Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Bill O'Reilly: total asshole. Sky: still blue.
Posted by Raznor

Well, this has been making the rounds, but in case you missed it, here's what O'Reilly said on his radio show:

O'REILLY: And when he [Durbin] went out there, his intent was to whip up the American public against the Bush detainee policy. That's what his intent was. His intent wasn't to undermine the war effort, because he never even thought about it. He never even thought about it. But by not thinking about it, he made an egregious mistake because you must know the difference between dissent from the Iraq war and the war on terror and undermining it. And any American that undermines that war, with our soldiers in the field, or undermines the war on terror, with 3,000 dead on 9-11, is a traitor.

Everybody got it? Dissent, fine; undermining, you're a traitor. Got it? So, all those clowns over at the liberal radio network, we could incarcerate them immediately. Will you have that done, please? Send over the FBI and just put them in chains, because they, you know, they're undermining everything and they don't care, couldn't care less.

Wow, I've got to head to the shower for the next 30 minutes to wash out the smell of bullshit.

Okay, I'm back. Anyway, let's take a closer look at what O'Reilly said:

And when he [Durbin] went out there, his intent was to whip up the American public against the Bush detainee policy. That's what his intent was.

Okay, fine, we get it. It was his intent. Good for him. And his intent.

His intent wasn't to undermine the war effort, because he never even thought about it.

How surprising, that when bringing up horrible abuses of detainees in a US military base in Cuba, he never thought how that would undermine the war that's happening on the other fucking side of the world.

He never even thought about it.

Okay, Bill, I get it. You're insane.

But by not thinking about it, he made an egregious mistake because you must know the difference between dissent from the Iraq war and the war on terror and undermining it.

Right you must. But if criticizing torture is undermining the war then uhhhh. Okay, I'm confused as to what Bill O'Reilly thinks the difference is. But O'Reilly's a nice, ethical guy. He won't accuse people of undermining the war effort without giving even a cursory explanation of how what they're doing is undermining the war effort.

And any American that undermines that war, with our soldiers in the field, or undermines the war on terror, with 3,000 dead on 9-11, is a traitor.

Okay. Maybe, maybe not. He still hasn't defined what undermining the war effort is. I mean, if by undermining the war effort you mean, say, giving insurgents lots of weapons and exact troupe locations, then yeah, I can see how that's traitorous. But if it means going on, say the radio and saying your beliefs, why calling that treasonous would be a tad tyrranical, wouldn't it?

Everybody got it? Dissent, fine; undermining, you're a traitor. Got it?

Okay, he's repeating himself again. Does he think his audience are as dumb as Bush? Well, maybe that's a safe assumption. (Yeah that's right, people who like Bill O'Reilly, I just implicitly insulted you)

So, all those clowns over at the liberal radio network, we could incarcerate them immediately.

Okay, 'cos those clowns over at the liberal radio network are, I'm assuming, sheltering Bin Laden? This has to be the case, right? He'll specify this, I'm sure in what he says next.

Will you have that done, please? Send over the FBI and just put them in chains, because they, you know, they're undermining everything and they don't care, couldn't care less.

Okay, that's it. And you know what's missing? Any idea of what would qualify as dissent without "undermining the war effort".

Oh, I looked into it, and you know, Air America? They're not harboring terrorists, or giving weapons or information to Iraqi insurgents. They're dissenting. Which is fine, according to Bill O'Reilly. That is until he decides the FBI should arrest them.

Remember when Bush said the terrorists hate freedom? He's wrong. The terrorists merely hate America, and by extension Americans. It's O'Reilly who hates freedom. It's John Ashcroft, and Sean Hannity, and Pat Robertson, everybody who claim they love freedom except when people they don't agree with enjoy it, these are the people who hate freedom. And we should never forget it.


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