Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Say's it all, doesn't it?

David Horsey's latest:

Some afterthoughts (May 9): As I look at this comic more, I don't really like it. Besides the overly stereotyped Ay-rab, I don't see why the whole "Al qaeda will use this to recruit terrorists" is such a big deal. Because, (a) Al qaeda already has plenty of recruitment material without this and (b) this is quite disgusting enough without havine ng to bring how other people will interpret it. Who cares what a bunch of insane extremists, who are going to hate us no matter what we do, think about us? What should concern us is that America should be standing for freedom and democracy, and here we are torturing human beings. We are acting in a way that should make any decent Americans want to barf when they look in the mirror. That's the problem. Not how extremists view us.