Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Clark in the running

John Marshall gives a pretty good run-down of the whole Clark thing. Go read it. He knows more about it than I.

But what do I think of Clark? I think just his stature as former Commander in Chief of NATO is enough to at least consider supporting his bid for presidency. Frankly, after the general cluster-fuck that is Bush foreign policy, possibly the most important thing for the next president will be his abilities as a diplomat, and a man like Clark not only has the experience of a diplomat, but already has a pretty good standing with the NATO nations that will help make US foreign policy multilateral as opposed to unilateral.

As a side note, this argument for diplomacy also works for former ambassadors. Especially if said ambassador happens to support a more progressive agenda than Clark.


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