Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Monday, September 15, 2003

David Horowitz is insane

Here's a quotation from David Horowitz' latest article decrying Franken's new book.

He had to write something, but he could use 14 students to provide him with his research and write as much of it as he cared to let them. All under the auspices of the university.

By disclosing these facts with the breathless candor of a kid who has stumbled into a toy store where the merchandise is free, Franken has exposed for all who care to look a national educational disgrace.

Although liberals like Franken regularly complain about the unfair advantage "big right-wing think tanks" provide to the Republican cause, Harvard and in fact the entire Ivy League constitute infinitely larger left-wing think tanks that serve the Democratic cause. (For comparison, Harvard's endowment, according to the latest figures, is $17.5 billion; the Heritage Foundation's is $63 million.)

So Harvard is a $17.5 billion think tank for liberals and he bases this on the fact that 14 students helped Franken research his book. This would come as a surprise to such former Harvard faculty as Henry Kissinger, and the fact all Ivy League schools are implied in this, this would also come as a surprise to the Bushes, being alumni of Yale.

This would also come as a surprise to David Horowitz, who in the 1960's accused these very institutions as being too conservative. But that's something else all together.

But the point is he's making a comparison between Harvard's endowment and the Heritage Foundation's. The thing is Harvard does many things that are either correspond to Conservative politics as well as are apolitical. Heritage Foundation is a tax-shelter for spreading right-wing propaganda. To state that it's a crime that it's not getting as much money as the oldest institution in the continent is not only deceitful, but considerably laughable.


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