Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Monday, May 19, 2003

Hmm, interesting

I was just thinking that the Reagan/Bush I years are the longest period of a single party controlling the White House since Roosevelt/Truman. And since then, we've had a pretty stable fluctuation of ruling parties:

Right now, we have Bush the younger and dumber.

Preceded by 8 years of Democratic control with Clinton.

Preceded by 12 years of Republican control with Reagan/Bush the elder and slightly less evil.

Preceded by 4 years of Democratic control with Carter.

Preceded by 8 years of Republican control with Nixon/Ford.

Preceded by 8 years of Democratic control with Kennedy/Johnson.

Preceded by 8 years of Republican control with Eisenhower.

Preceded by 20 years of Democratic control with Roosevelt/Truman.

Preceded by (at least) 4 years of Republican control with Hoover.

I'm not sure of before that, since I'm unsure of particular parties, besides it's not too much earlier that we're dealing with Whigs and other now-defunct parties. (Bull-moose anyone?) Just thought this was interesting.


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