Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Angry, if belated, open letter to the NFL

Why won't you think of the children?

The beer commercials, the gratuitous shots of cheerleaders every few seconds was enough, but the sort of filth we had to sit through at the halftime show was crossing a line. There were no warnings, no cautions for parents whose children's minds are still developing to guard their eyes from this piece of filth. Not to mention the damage to the country as a whole.

I mean, we're still as a society trying to come to terms with hip hop's influence on the musical world and you give us P. Diddy? The man's not going to go away if he keeps getting to do these special appearances. Haven't we suffered enough?

Please have some decent musicians next year, for Christ's sake.


[minor edit]


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