Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Monday, February 02, 2004

The Breast

Echidne makes a good point regarding the breast in the superbowl halftime show last night, that you're not really hearing from anyone, unfortunately:

Lots of apologies, none of them directed at Janet Jackson. So either she was in on the stunt or everybody involved suffers from the idea that the dangers in baring The Breast are all to do with its sudden and devastating impact on the viewers, not on the woman whose body part it happens to be. Even if the whole thing was preplanned, an appearance of sincerity in the apologies would have required that at least one of them be directed to the woman who was most affected by this exposure.

In the meanwhile, August Pollak offers this this little synopsis of the big game:

Violence, violence, violence, aggression, coach mouthing obscenity, beer commercial, cheerleader, cheerleader, beer commercial, violence, aggression, commercial with horse igniting woman with its fart, violence, cheerleader, beer commercial, DIRTY FILTHY TITTY MY GOD WHO WILL THINK OF THE CHILDREN, violence, aggression, beer commercial.

And the commercials sucked ass. Fortunately it was probably the most exciting Superbowl in recent memory. And the Pats won, which is the least you could do for those poor New England sports fans after the horrendously disappointing ALCS last season.

And this concludes the Raznor Superbowl Summary. Tune in next year when I'll likely be discussing another boring 45- -3 contest.


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