Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Sunday, August 31, 2003

It's like the '80s never happened

Via Matthew Yglesias, Oxblog posts an e-mail from Michael Ledeen that ends with this whopper:

Meanwhile [the Iranians] are organizing the extraction of Saddam from Iraq to Iran. I suppose fairly soon there will be a banquet of chiefs of state in Tehran, with Osama, Mullah Omar, Hekmatiar, Saddam and Khamene'i....

So Saddam is friends with the Iranians? Nothing like a fucking 8 year war to create an unbreakable bond between two nations.

So he's forgetting everything about the Iran/Iraq war except the Hezbollah incident. Which also, by the way, involves forgetting that unfortunate incident where Rummy was sent as special envoy to Iraq in order to normalize trade relations.

Excuse me, I must go bang my head against the wall.


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