Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Thursday, May 01, 2003

That's not aspirin, that's one part of a chemical weapon

This would be funny if it weren't for all that evil.

According to Dr Rice, the weapons programs are "in bits and pieces" rather than assembled weapons. "You may find assembly lines, you may find pieces hidden here and there," she said. Ingredients or precursors, many non-lethal by themselves, could be embedded in dual-use facilities.

She had a new explanation too for Iraq's ability to launch these weapons that were not assembled. "Just-in-time assembly" and "just-in-time" inventory, as she put it.

That's where I stopped reading. My brain was trying to escape from my body.

Via Bob Harris posting over at Tom's site.


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