Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

I guess that's kind of offensive . . .

For the hell of it, and because apparently I'm a glutton for pain, I read through Ann Coulter's latest column the other day entitled, "American Women to Kerry: We Don't Think You're So Hot". Here's a sample:

Moreover, as long as liberals keep loudly proclaiming that they support "the troops" -- while simultaneously running sneering articles that portray the troops as coarse, semiliterate cads -- a tax-and-spend Massachusetts Democrat like Kerry could finally provide them with one "troop" they really do like. (Meanwhile, for the first time ever, I find myself in favor of the war but against the troop.)

Okay, Ann Coulter would be offending me a lot more right here if she actually knew how to write. She's not holding a cohesive idea during any consecutive sentences, and her word mangling is downright hilarious. I could try to argue with her point by point, but why? It's a bunch of meaningless tripe.

So I just thought I'd give you guys this little bit of amazing wisdom from the right and leave you to discuss.


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