Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Friday, April 04, 2003

Well, if by "victory" you mean something completely different

Tom Tomorrow links to this article from the Washington Post:

The Bush administration has devised a strategy to declare victory in Iraq even if Saddam Hussein or key lieutenants remain at large and fighting continues in parts of the country, officials said yesterday.

The concept of a "rolling" victory contemplates a time -- not yet determined -- when U.S. forces control significant territory and have eliminated a critical mass of Iraqi resistance. U.S. military commanders would establish a base of operations, perhaps outside Baghdad, and assert that a new era has begun. Even then, tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers would remain to help maintain order and provide humanitarian assistance.

You know, 'cause it makes more sense than waiting until the fucking war is over or something like that. Kind of like how we've "liberated" Afghanistan by leaving the country in utter chaos. But this way we would be able to attack Iran or Syria earlier.

If Bush were standing right here, he'd get such a punching. Not that I condone the punching of government officials or anything like that. But man, such a punching.


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