Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

This is Scripted

From "President" Bush's "press conference:"

Bush: . . .The risk of doing nothing, the risk of hoping that Saddam Hussein changes his mind and becomes a gentle soul, the risk that somehow -- that inaction will make the world safer, is a risk I'm not willing to take for the American people.

We'll be there in a minute. King, John King. This is a scripted -- (laughter.)

Q Thank you, Mr. President. How would -- sir, how would you answer your critics who say that they think this is somehow personal?

And as frightening as the president's own admission that his press conference is scripted (hence the danger, Bush handlers realized, of even an completely controlled press conference), is how major news outlets completely covered for him.

Link via Cursor.


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