Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Friday, March 28, 2003


In case you haven't seen this:

The House of Representatives called on Thursday for a rare national day of prayer and fasting to secure divine blessings for U.S. troops at war in Iraq and protection for Americans from terrorism.

The non-binding resolution, approved by a vote of 346 to 49, urged President Bush to designate a day.

A few members voted for the measure even though they said they found it a little too theological. Twenty-three lawmakers voted present, indicating a measure of discomfort. A "present" vote in the House is broadly equivalent to an abstention.

This is in the news one or two days for it, but I didn't mention it here, because other than the fact that it is complete utter bullshit, I have nothing to say about it.

But August has a good post on it that more or less describes my reaction to it:

Hey, American lawmakers! When you're deeply rooted in an overseas war against an Arab state to which Muslim fanatics are using as an excuse to validate their outrageous claims that the United States wants an all-out war against Islam, what's the best thing to do in the eyes of the government and the national media?

That's right, create a national day of prayer.

I'm sure American Muslims would enjoy this day too, except of course for the fact that they're all on massive lists of "suspects" for the Justice Depatment. I have a feeling they're not too interested in gathering anywhere anytime soon.

But of course, this is to say nothing of the fact that we're creating a fucking national day of FASTING for the love of mike! I mean, how ridiculous can you get?


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