Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Sunday, March 02, 2003

Experiment Revealed

Okay, I guess I should finally get around to mentioning what my experiment was, since I all hinted about it and so now you're probably curious, so here goes.

In an old post I mentioned about how there was a seemingly racist fold out in the Quest, the Reed College newspaper. Anyway, that work and others pissed people off so much they'd post it and other offensive articles around commons and the library with words written across it like, "This is racism" and "Rape is never okay!" (Don't ask the context for the second comment)

Anyway, the thing is, this started getting ridiculous. There is this one cartoon in the Quest called "The Maxist View" which seems to be the cartoonists way of saying, "hey check out all these observations I make about life at Reed. For instance, women and men sure have trouble relating to one another. And what's with all these people being still unsure about their sexual identities? Isn't that wacky." Soon there were copies of his cartoons around everywhere with words like, "homophobic" scribbled on top, instead of the much more offensive and accurate accusation of, "seriously lame joke."

Soon it was getting ridiculous, my friend Tom told me there was posted in the library a letter to the editor where the author said, "and what do I get? I get dick." Someone had highlighted "dick" and accused it of being homophobic. And many people would write comments on these posters, and people would write to respond to the comments, you know, like random posters are a legitimate form of public debate?

Anyway, after the Quest Board resigned in disgrace, there was a short issue that announced the candidacies of three other boards to be elected to Quest Board, and the elections and various letters to the editor. On the back, there was an advertisement for a place that sells and buys used CDs and the like, with a picture of an eagle drawn on in the logo.

So I took this, and wrote on it in big letters "This is Eagle-ism! I'll not stand by as my eagle or possibly hawk brethren is so exploited!" Then I wrote comments on the side, like "Who cares about fucking eagles, anyway?" in red pen and then crossed out in green pen with the words "Don't judge us". Then I showed it to my friends to see if anyone would care to add to it. My friend Alex wrote a bit on the bottom decrying the falloscentric nature of the pens and pencils used to write on the poster and my Louis wrote on the side, "I have 2 daddies (this is relevant)". Everyone I showed it to got a kick out of it, and then at 1:00am I posted it in Gray Center, hoping people would write other things on it and I could report the results to you, my loyal readers, later.

Alas, when I checked again at about 1:00 in the afternoon, it was already taken down, much to my chagrin. Thus I didn't post it here, as the results were unfortunately rather uninteresting.


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