Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Saturday, March 22, 2003

Empathy takes all the fun out of war

Well I'm back in Portland and tired as hell, but I'll write this before just vegging and sleeping. No links today. I'll get some for you tomorrow.

So, I'm standing waiting in line for the curbside check-in at LAX this morning, and I look at the buildings, and the image of the mushroom cloud rising above Baghdad entered my head. Supposing someone saw that, and it pissed this person off so much that they happened to hit the airport there, that morning while I was standing there. But of course this thought gave way to a more terrifying thought, and now my mind was imagining what if 320 cruise missiles just started dropping around me?

I wish more people would think like this. Maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.


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