Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Monday, March 31, 2003

Apparently Kent State = Comedy Gold

Ugga Bugga quotes from a New York Post article that makes light of Kent State, along with a picture to remind you of the event that's apparently so amusing. Uber Conservatives have the worst sense of humor ever. Their idea of a good joke is "liberals should be killed." Those bastards.

I suppose this is as good a time as any, then, to get this off my chest.

Why is it the moral obligation of the left to "support our troops" by wishing a quick and decisive victory over Baghdad? Operation Iraqi Conquest is an unjust war. Plain and simple. That's the point of the anti-war left. So why should we say that the instigators of an unjust war deserve victory?

I don't want to see thousands of US and British service men and women die. If it were up to me, they wouldn't be in combat in the first place. If it were up to me, they'd be taken out of Iraq now before any more of them could get killed.

Sure, if we lose this war, since we're not going to just withdraw immediately, it will mean that ungodly numbers of American, British and Iraqi soldiers were killed. And it would mean more that likely, many civilians would have been killed by our bombs. Al Qaeda will likely use our loss as a motivator for recruits. Frankly, it's not a scenario I like.

But what if we win? Al Qaeda will get at least as many new recruits than from the loss, we're now proven to be on a Crusade. We'll likely use the victory to spur us onto more Imperial conquest of Syria and Egypt and Iran. Soon we'll be occupying, and we'll lose a lot of men for it, and acts of terrorism against the citizens of the US would likely reach unimaginable levels. We'll likely be at war with Turkey to keep them out of northen Iraq, and don't forget that we'll lose a lot of service men and women in occupying hostile territory. And if we keep attacking nation after nation, and I would not put it past the Administration to do so, if we keep getting victory after victory, our Empire will grow, and the greater the Empire the more unstable, and it will fall if history is an indicator.

So maybe the best course we could reasonably hope for is a loss in this war. Something that will slap awake the American populace. Make us realize that war is never clean, it's a messy endeavor. Maybe, if that happens, a loss in this war will save more people than the war will destroy.

I hate the fact that many people will die if that happens. But many people will die anyway. In entering this unprovoked, unjust war, the Bush Administration has led America into a quagmire. The quickest way out will be to turn back now, but we won't, and every way we can go will be messy and brutal.


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