Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Sunday, March 23, 2003

Ah the links this page has

I should mention that I do not choose who places ads atop this page, this is what happens when I blog but don't pay. Hey, I can't really complain, anyone who comes to this site knows my stance on the war, even if there's a link on top of this page that says "show US soldiers you care". And apparently this means getting lapel pins, as I'm sure they'll really be grateful as they spend the next five years dying of radiation poisoning from the Depleted Uranium ammunition we're using.

But at least it's somewhat balanced. The bottom link "The Bush Record" links to an environmental activist site, and is probably worth checking out. I dunno, the problem with fighting Bush is he's doing so much evil in so many different ways. Environmental issues are important, but my priorities are on stopping the war with Iraq (which is an environmental issue in itself, I guess) and protecting civil liberties. But it's all connected. If we had alternative fuels, we wouldn't be at war right now. (but wait, this isn't about oil, it's liberating the poor Iraqis from life under dictatorship, or life period. How silly of me)


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