Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Monday, December 15, 2003

Passing thought on Saddam as I take a break from writing a history term paper

You know what? I said earlier I have no sympathy for Saddam whatsoever. Fuck Saddam. Fuck him right in the ear. If they decided to bring Saddam in front of me, I'd have no problem giving him a huge gut punch. I hope he rots.

But you know what? At this point, the capture of Saddam is incidental to our problems in Iraq. He wasn't in charge nor central to the organized resistance, so we won't see any less of guerillas taking more and more controle of urban areas. If I'm wrong, then great. But the guerilla war is going to just get worse and worse as more people join the insugents and they become more and more organized.

To me, this all just illustrates the problem with the neo-conservatives' view of moral ends justifying the means. In a vacuum, since Saddam is bad, a world without Saddam is better than a world with Saddam. But we don't live in a vacuum. And in the real world deposing of Saddam just leaves instability and chaos. We'd be better off now with Saddam in power and all things normal than caught in a seemingly endless guerilla war with Saddam behind bars. If you can't get the job done right, don't do it.

Sometime in the near future I'll post on what I would do if I was suddenly put in charge of Iraq.


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