Raznor's Rants

Costarring Raznor's reality-based friends!

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Rove the asshole

Over at Buzzflash, James C Moore has a good article on Karl Rove.

So, although I guess not all the facts are in on this whole Plame being leaked as a CIA agent, but allow me to posit this theory.

It was Rove! If he didn't call the reporters himself, he orchestrated it. This is clearly his work as if he left his signature. Rove isn't just an asshole of politics, he is the Pablo Picasso of dirty tricks and his art leaves a Rove-like aura to them. When senior officials leak information that undermine national security for no reason other than revenge, the first step should be to get Rove, and then the rest will follow.


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